About us

Why Wschool?

WSCHOOL is India's First and Largest Online School list database, Quality Education search Platform, bringing your Online Certificate Programs for numerous sections. A place for emerging school to list, Search, Compare your dream school, promote and find opportunities where students/parents can access their child's performance, Real time updated Attendance, Notifications, Fees alert, Subject Notes, E-Learning on just a click away. We understand your passion to learn, Wschool is a great way to learn Computer basics, English spoken, Current affairs, Solutions for each section & subjects. School students, teachers, senior citizens and professionals, all love this E-learning on mobile, No need to sit in front of Desktop, just access on your mobile, anywhere, anytime, while you waiting for train/in queue.

The education sector in India is no longer bound to just classrooms. Thanks to new start-ups and higher internet and smartphone penetration, the online learning space in India is growing manifold.

Wschool aims to help students focus on the right subjects and contents rather than read bundled of study materials available across different media. Also, they focus on convenience-based training because online capability enables students to get access to subjects anytime and anywhere.

According to industry experts, the future of education in India will depend on online learning. A lot of start-ups are already setting their foot in what they think will be the next big thing in India after e-commerce.

Our Vision & Mission

"A right step on right time shape your future bright" and Education is first right to humanbeing on earth. Wschool Infuse this statement with passion and emotion.

Wschool strives to reflect it in each steps, which moves towards to shining & shaping future. When a baby keep his/her first step to education, parents worry each second about the quality & safe education, roaming around the city to find the right institute for safe future, but few of them succeed. Wschool brings a new and innovative revolutionary idea into education sector, completely different, menifesting it by unique and user-friendly software which is available on just one click on the go. Our mission is to educating all when they need and avail.

A company thrives when it pleases its users, its employees, its partners, and its investors -- Wschool endeavors to do just that, according to its mission statement. As a education online platform service, it specifically strives to please learners. We love how they emphasize each facet of the organization by capitalizing the font and making it green page for easy learning.

Wschool clear list of goals, without being too specific.

Wschool change the way you think about a online school search engine, learning basic to professional courses. Full support of service comfort, friendly staff, a relaxing atmosphere, and the best prices in country give you an experience that will leave you glowing both school and students.

Our Our Hard Working Team

Walter White

Chief Executive Officer

Velit aut quia fugit et et. Dolorum ea voluptate vel tempore tenetur ipsa quae aut. Ipsum exercitationem iure minima enim corporis et voluptate.

Sarah Jhonson

Product Manager

Quo esse repellendus quia id. Est eum et accusantium pariatur fugit nihil minima suscipit corporis. Voluptate sed quas reiciendis animi neque sapiente.

William Anderson


Vero omnis enim consequatur. Voluptas consectetur unde qui molestiae deserunt. Voluptates enim aut architecto porro aspernatur molestiae modi.

Amanda Jepson


Rerum voluptate non adipisci animi distinctio et deserunt amet voluptas. Quia aut aliquid doloremque ut possimus ipsum officia.

About Company

WSCHOOL is India's First and Largest Online School list database, Quality Education search Platform, bringing your Online Certificate Programs for numerous sections. A place for emerging school to list, Search, Compare your dream school, promote and find opportunities where students/parents can access their child's performance, Real time updated Attendance, Notifications, Fees alert, Subject Notes, E-Learning on just a click away.

  • A right step on right time shape your future bright
  • Wschool clear list of goals, without being too specific
  • The future of education in India will depend on online learning.

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